At COLO, we want to leverage the diversity of coffees available in Colombia, both in varieties and flavors,
and to place them within our 3 lines so that consumers can understand the differences in specialty coffee.
and to place them within our 3 lines so that consumers can understand the differences in specialty coffee.

Traditional Colombian coffees, from very common varieties in Colombia that have been maintained over the years. We can find Castillo, Colombia, Caturra, among others, and even some blends from different regions of Colombia. The processing of these coffees is a traditional Colombian wash. We call it DIVERSOS because we always strive to have coffees from different regions of Colombia such as Antioquia, Cundinamarca, Risaralda, Nariño, Cauca, among others, and we try to vary them continuously so people can experience Colombia through coffee. These coffees are often found in our espressos and espresso-based drinks. They are very sweet coffees with notes of panela, caramel, honey, and a citrus acidity of orange, lemon, or yellow fruits that rounds it out well, making them work excellently when mixed with milk.

We want to highlight the coffee variety itself and show the impact that variety has on the coffee profile. Just like wine varieties, where each grape gives a different wine profile, coffee also has different varieties. These varieties differ in the size and shape of the tree, the color and size of the leaf, and even the color and size of the cherry and coffee bean. Each variety gives us a different cup profile, and in ANCESTROS we find small microlots of varieties like Geisha, Sudan Rume, Maragogipe, or Laurina, among others. Through this line, we aim to introduce people to these coffee varieties that, although very exotic, are a significant part of what specialty coffee is today.

In this line, we choose coffee based on the processing it underwent on the farm.
CONTEMPORÁNEOS is a very avant-garde line where we find processes like natural or honey, which were not very well known in Colombia, as well as experiments from coffee growers adapting to new trends in specialty coffee. These processes will directly influence the coffee cup profile.
In this line, we can find both traditional and exotic varieties, but the processing is what will give our coffee much of its flavors and aromas. Our 3 lines are very different because we want to cover all aspects and differences of specialty coffee, but they all have the same purpose: to highlight the diversity of Colombia in every cup of coffee and to have more and more people who are COLOS for coffee.